2023 AGM and Judges Course

At 2pm on Saturday 15th April 2023, in Studio 2 at the Winchburgh Sport and Wellbeing Hub, we will host a practical judges/officials course and would encourage all our adult members to come along, learn the rules and get some practical experience of score/time keeping and judging. The course will be very relaxed with no pressure. We would also like to invite some of our more experienced kids (12 years + kyu grades to take part in some practice bouts).

Then at 3.30pm we will hold our 2023 Annual General Meeting. This is open to all licenced adult members, as well as parents of licenced child members, please register for the AGM via this form.

All nominations for office bearers to be made in writing to the secretary secretary@wado.scot by the deadline of one week before the AGM.

The current office bearers are:

Chair: Allan McKean 3rd Dan
Vice-Chair: Andy Elliott 6th Dan
Secretary: Lisa Scott 6th Dan
Treasurer: Peter Rogers 7th Dan